Accelerate Healing of Physical Trauma
Decrease Inflammation & Chronic Pain
Feel At Ease & "At Home" in Your Body
Increase Energy & Stamina
Develop a More Youthful Appearance
Balance Mood Swings
Increase Confidence, Assertiveness, & Self-Acceptance
Resolve Trauma of Life Transition, Loss, Shock, Prolonged Grief, & (Sexual) Abuse
Foster Joy, Harmony, and Contentment in Everyday Life
Increase Awareness, including Self-Awareness
Increase Focus, Clarity of Thought, & Ability to See the “Big Picture”
Gain the Ability to Prioritize, Plan, and Organize More Efficiently
Clear Dysfunctional Subconscious Programming
Enhance Sense of Life Purpose and Meaning (Inner Knowing)
Experience Skillful Living Spontaneously & Attract Enriching, Empowering Adventures
Deepen Personal Relationships and Promote Heart-Centered Communication
Foster Sense of Conscious Connectedness to All Living Beings
Peaceful Reconciliation of Current Lifetime while Transitioning to the Next Level of Reality